Rugs, excitement and Snow!

Hello world, so, i watched the one and only episode ive ever seen of ‘Kirstys Home Made Home’ and decided to have a go at rug making! I bought a metre of hessian from good old ebay but didnt manage to win a nice cheap tool thingy so decided to use a pair of tweezers instead. Im not doing too bad but it takes soooooooooo long and i dont have the best patience hehe. Hopefully If this one goes well (and ever gets finished) Ill have a go at some funky patters as I stuck to striped on my first shot!

The beginnings of my first ever rug!

Im very excited to be gettin Photoshop for my new laptop for Christmas. although It seems it takes santas elves a bit longer to make software so I wont be getting it till January, hehe, never mind Im so excited!

Cant wait for summer!!! And Im a winter fan!!! This cold is just getting silly, so glad my little micra ‘Roy’ is so good in the snow, who , needs a flashy sports car! I feel so sorry for so many people when its like this, Having to travel around and sleep in airports and railways must be a nightmare. Get them bloomin’ heated runways sorted, very surprised that Heathrow doesnt have a better plan!

Right time for C.S.I and some more Rug making!!!

Work, work, work!

Ok so its been a while. I have spent the last few weeks work, work, working! (unfortunately none design work, work, working!) I rreeeaally want to get back into some design work before I lose my flair completely!! Im doing a mural for my bosses kids wall so that should be fun! One day when I have time I also want to try doing some fabric collage cards as I did a wedding reception acceptance card and it went really well!!! Wish I had some pictures to put up but nothin visual going on at the moment!!

The new thingamiwhatsits!

These are some of my new thingamiwhatsits, including the new keyrings, these can be ordered in any animal but the penguins are my fave!

£3.50 keyrings, still available

Penguin Family!

The one im keeping for myself 😀

I also got some inspiration from the yr 7 pupils at Manor school and decided to do some hand drawings!!

Holding hands


Thingamiwhatsits by HaPpIrAyNn, Little thingamiwhatsits to cheer you up and hang wherever you please…

Handmade by me.

Not suitable for children

Shapes Colours, Patterns and Buttons will vary


Beings, Penguins, Lions, Rabbits, Elephants

Ask for specific occasions and animals, eg. graduation (see below)

noname 😦

nonames label

This one is owned by Chloe. It is about 5cm’s short.(Being) £4.50 each +P&P

noname 2

noname 2's label

This one is owned by Verity. Its is about 10cm’s tall. (Being) £6 each +P&P


This one belongs to Faye. It is called Ewan.(Being) It is a short one. £4.50


Mintys label

This one belong’s to Katie. It is called Minty. (Penguin) It is a short one. £4.50

Wee wee

This one belong's to Claire. It is called Wee wee. (Being) It is a tall one. £6.00 Rikki

This one belong's to Linda. It is called Rikki. (Lion) It is a tall one. £6.00


Rikki the Lion

This one also belong's to Linda. It is called Ice. (Penguin) It is a tall one. £6.00


stuck on my next step

Hello, well, I was supposed to be making some nice handmade christmas cards but its getting very close and i haven’t even started! Routing through all mu uni stuff to find what i need is not looking like much fun at the moment, especially when it is all in the shed at the end of the garden…and its cold. I’ll get round to doing it eventually and hopefully I’ll do the lot while im at it.

Im thinking of re-using as much old work as possible, i have so many lengths of work that cost me a fortune to make and are just sitting there not doing anything.


This is, and always will be my fave piece of work ever. Its just so big! One day it will come to good use!


Im quite stuck at the moment, I have a great job, but no enough hours and no money! And I would love to do some proper sophie style designing but dont have the time or the money to start a project that might not get anywhere. What to do, what to do…


If anyone has any tips for my predicament or words of encourangement now would be the time 😀 thanks, x


Long time, no post!…

Hey world.

Rite, I started my new job as a Food, Textiles and Art technician last week so this has been my first full week! Im so lucky to have got the job and i love it! especially how things are with the whole credit crunch and whatnot. 

I also started slimming world last month and omg, Ive lost almost a stone in a month, im so happy and i love it, its well easy and i can eat chips, whooop! If anyones a bit fed up of crappy diets and not feeling how you want to feel u gotta try it, it really is so simple…oh no i sound like an advert, criiinnnge.

Ive decided Im the biggest lightweight in the world and i cant handle my alcohol so im just not gonna drink!! I hope my personalitys as good sober as it is drunk..if not a bit better, haha. So ive gone about 3 weeks without alcohol and it isnt actually that bad..i can stay out longer too, hehe!!!

A big shopping spree and a fit guy and this will be a very good couple of months for me!! haha, not putting any hopes up on the fit guy though there seems to be a shortage on them at the moment (the kind im looking for anyway, shock!)

Ive started playing my acoustic a bit more recently and im looking for some good things to learn, im loving Newton Faulkner  ( ❤ ) but im not that good just yet, haha. So if anyone knows of anything thats that kind of sound but a bit easier for a guitarist that makes it up as i go along please let me know!! Ive been serching which is pretty good but you kind of need to know what your looking for and as most things, i havent got a clue!!

Rite I think thats all i have to say for now, laterz world, xx


Photo of the weekme and my sis before a night out dressed as clowns..i know i look a bit rubbish and i wasn’t being vain… facepaint makes my face

Hello world

I have been so busy moving out and with the degree show i havent managed to put a post out recently


The degree show went well!! no major disasters happened apart from me ripping 3 pairs of tights within an hour (Im not used to wearing dresses and refused to go with bare, lilly white legs)



After this last rip i gave up and just drank more wine…after a while you could even see the huge ladder going down my leg…..I ended up in jeans by the time the show had finished and the pub started!!!hehe


I have just picked up ‘My sisters Keeper’ by Jodi Picoult from Pocklington market. I havent decided if reading it will make me angry when the film comes out or if, this time, i can deal with it!!! we will soon see!!!




Almost finished!!! As much as i do like the place Im looking forward to getting out of education and into the big wide world…and ive decided I want to be like Allison off Yes man!!!! (great film)

 Im not usually much of a Jim carrey fan but i LOVE this film. I could literally watch it every day!!!!yes_man    

I also Love Eternal sunshine of the Spotless mind, would never have believed Jim Carrey could or would want to play a character like Joel but he was great and this film was when my perceptions of the guy totally changed!
